.. _ibmvpc-driver: .. default-domain:: zuul IBM VPC Driver -------------- This driver is for use with the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) service of IBM Cloud. Preparation ~~~~~~~~~~~ Note the following caveats: * IBM Cloud VPC does not support IPv6 addressing. * IBM Cloud VPC does not supply quota information via its API (but if you know the values, you can supply them in the Nodepool configuration). * Per-instance floating IP addresses are required for in-bound connections from the Internet (but are not required for outbound-only access). As of the time of this writing, floating IP addresses are billed monthly and are not pro-rated. Because Nodepool allocates and deallocates a floating IP address for each instance, this means that every instance will incur at least a full-month's charge for floating IP use even if it is used only briefly. * IBM Cloud does not provide a facility for atomically associating metadata with instances, which Nodepool generally relies upon for detecting and cleaning up leaked resources. To approximate this functionality, the `ibmvpc` driver will create all instances and associated resources within resource groups that it will expect to control. These groups begin with either the string ``np_`` or ``npimages_``. Do not create any resource groups matching these names, and do not create any resources within these groups. To do so runs the risk of Nodepool mistaking your resource for one that it controls and automatically deleting it. Before using this driver, attend to the following pre-requisites: * `Create an SSH key `_ * `Create a VPC and subnet `_ Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several authentication methods are available. The one which will work in the widest circumstances is using an API key. The console can be used to `create an API key `_. The API key (or other authentication information) may be provided to Nodepool either through environment variables, or stored in a file. If a file is used, the content is exactly the same as the environment variable definition. To use an API key, the content would be: .. code-block:: shell VPC_AUTH_TYPE=iam VPC_APIKEY=api-key-goes-here Either set these environment variables when running the Nodepool process, or write them to a file and specify the path with the :attr:`providers.[ibmvpc].credentials-file` provider attribute. .. note:: Several other authentication types are available; their configuration is outside the scope of this document. While `nodepool-launcher` should work with any auth type supported by the IBM Cloud Python SDK, `nodepool-builder` is only compatible with the ``iam`` auth type. Image Building ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Custom images in IBM cloud require the use of `Cloud Object Storage` which is not integrated with the VPC API. To use `nodepool-builder`, the following additional steps are required: `Create a Cloud Object Storage instance `_ and grant access to the VPC service. Create a bucket within the `Cloud Object Storage` instance. Select an `endpoint `_ for use with Nodepool. Note the name of the `Cloud Object Storage` instance, the endpoint, and the name of the bucket you created for use when configuring Nodepool. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selecting the ibmvpc driver adds the following options to the :attr:`providers` section of the configuration. .. attr-overview:: :prefix: providers.[ibmvpc] :maxdepth: 3 .. attr:: providers.[ibmvpc] :type: list A provider's resources are partitioned into groups called `pools`, and within a pool, the node types which are to be made available are listed. .. note:: For documentation purposes the option names are prefixed ``providers.[ibmvpc]`` to disambiguate from other drivers, but ``[ibmvpc]`` is not required in the configuration (e.g. below ``providers.[ibmvpc].pools`` refers to the ``pools`` key in the ``providers`` section when the ``ibmvpc`` driver is selected). Example: .. code-block:: yaml providers: - name: ibmvpc-us-south driver: ibmvpc credentials-file: /path/to/creds.env vpc: nodepool region: us-south subnet: sn-nodepool cloud-images: - name: bionic username: zuul keys: - zuul-ssh-key image-name: ibm-ubuntu-20-04-3-minimal-amd64-1 pools: - name: main zone: us-south-1 max-servers: 10 host-key-checking: false labels: - name: bionic cloud-image: bionic profile: cx2-2x4 .. attr:: name :required: A unique name for this provider configuration. The name may not contain underscores. .. attr:: vpc :required: The name of the VPC for this provider. .. attr:: region :required: Name of the IBM Cloud region to interact with (e.g., ``us-south``). .. attr:: zone Name of the IBM Cloud region zone to interact with (e.g., ``us-south-1``). This field may be omitted if :attr:`providers.[ibmvpc].pools.zone` is supplied. .. attr:: credentials-file Path to the file containing the authentication information. Required unless the information is supplied via environment variables. .. attr:: subnet The name of the network upon which to create VMs. This field may be omitted if :attr:`providers.[ibmvpc].pools.subnet` is supplied. .. attr:: public-ipv4 :type: bool :default: false Whether to attach a public IPv4 address to instances. .. warning:: As of the time of this writing, floating IP addresses are billed monthly and are not pro-rated. Enabling this option can lead to high usage charges. .. attr:: use-internal-ip :type: bool :default: false If a public IP is attached but Nodepool should prefer the private IP, set this to true. .. attr:: host-key-checking :type: bool :default: true Specify custom behavior of validation of SSH host keys. When set to False, nodepool-launcher will not ssh-keyscan nodes after they are booted. This might be needed if nodepool-launcher and the nodes it launches are on different networks. The default value is true. .. attr:: rate :type: float seconds :default: 1.0 In seconds, amount to wait between operations on the provider. .. attr:: boot-timeout :type: int seconds :default: 120 Once an instance is active, how long to try connecting to the image via SSH. If the timeout is exceeded, the node launch is aborted and the instance deleted. .. attr:: launch-timeout :type: int seconds :default: 3600 The time to wait from issuing the command to create a new instance until that instance is reported as "active". If the timeout is exceeded, the node launch is aborted and the instance deleted. .. attr:: launch-retries :type: int :default: 3 The number of times to retry launching a server before considering the request failed. .. attr:: post-upload-hook :type: string :default: None Filename of an optional script that can be called after an image has been uploaded to a provider but before it is taken into use. This is useful to perform last minute validation tests before an image is really used for build nodes. The script will be called as follows: ``