:title: GitHub Driver GitHub ====== The GitHub driver supports sources, triggers, and reporters. It can interact with the public GitHub service as well as site-local installations of GitHub enterprise. Configure GitHub ---------------- There are two options currently available. GitHub's project owner can either manually setup web-hook or install a GitHub Application. In the first case, the project's owner needs to know the zuul endpoint and the webhook secrets. Web-Hook ........ To configure a project's `webhook events `_: * Set *Payload URL* to ``http://:/api/connection//payload``. * Set *Content Type* to ``application/json``. Select *Events* you are interested in. See below for the supported events. You will also need to have a GitHub user created for your zuul: * Zuul public key needs to be added to the GitHub account * A api_token needs to be created too, see this `article `_ Then in the zuul.conf, set webhook_token and api_token. Application ........... .. NOTE Duplicate content here and in zuul-from-scratch.rst. Keep them in sync. To create a `GitHub application `_: * Go to your organization settings page to create the application, e.g.: https://github.com/organizations/my-org/settings/apps/new * Set GitHub App name to "my-org-zuul" * Set Setup URL to your setup documentation, when user install the application they are redirected to this url * Set Webhook URL to ``http://:/api/connection//payload``. * Create a Webhook secret * Set permissions: * Repository administration: Read * Repository contents: Read & Write (write to let zuul merge change) * Issues: Read & Write * Pull requests: Read & Write * Commit statuses: Read & Write * Set events subscription: * Commit comment * Create * Push * Release * Issue comment * Issues * Label * Pull request * Pull request review * Pull request review comment * Status * Set Where can this GitHub App be installed to "Any account" * Create the App * Generate a Private key in the app settings page Then in the zuul.conf, set webhook_token, app_id and app_key. After restarting zuul-scheduler, verify in the 'Advanced' tab that the Ping payload works (green tick and 200 response) Users can now install the application using its public page, e.g.: https://github.com/apps/my-org-zuul Connection Configuration ------------------------ There are two forms of operation. Either the Zuul installation can be configured as a `Github App`_ or it can be configured as a Webhook. If the `Github App`_ approach is taken, the config settings ``app_id`` and ``app_key`` are required. If the Webhook approach is taken, the ``api_token`` setting is required. The supported options in ``zuul.conf`` connections are: .. attr:: .. attr:: driver :required: .. value:: github The connection must set ``driver=github`` for GitHub connections. .. attr:: app_id App ID if you are using a *GitHub App*. Can be found under the **Public Link** on the right hand side labeled **ID**. .. attr:: app_key Path to a file containing the secret key Zuul will use to create tokens for the API interactions. In Github this is known as **Private key** and must be collected when generated. .. attr:: api_token API token for accessing GitHub if Zuul is configured with Webhooks. See `Creating an access token for command-line use `_. .. attr:: webhook_token Required token for validating the webhook event payloads. In the GitHub App Configuration page, this is called **Webhook secret**. See `Securing your webhooks `_. .. attr:: sshkey :default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa Path to SSH key to use when cloning github repositories. .. attr:: server :default: github.com Hostname of the github install (such as a GitHub Enterprise). .. attr:: canonical_hostname The canonical hostname associated with the git repos on the GitHub server. Defaults to the value of :attr:`.server`. This is used to identify projects from this connection by name and in preparing repos on the filesystem for use by jobs. Note that Zuul will still only communicate with the GitHub server identified by **server**; this option is useful if users customarily use a different hostname to clone or pull git repos so that when Zuul places them in the job's working directory, they appear under this directory name. .. attr:: verify_ssl :default: true Enable or disable ssl verification for GitHub Enterprise. This is useful for a connection to a test installation. .. attr:: rate_limit_logging :default: true Enable or disable GitHub rate limit logging. If rate limiting is disabled in GitHub Enterprise this can save some network round trip times. Trigger Configuration --------------------- GitHub webhook events can be configured as triggers. A connection name with the GitHub driver can take multiple events with the following options. .. attr:: pipeline.trigger. The dictionary passed to the GitHub pipeline ``trigger`` attribute supports the following attributes: .. attr:: event :required: The event from github. Supported events are: .. value:: pull_request .. value:: pull_request_review .. value:: push .. attr:: action A :value:`pipeline.trigger..event.pull_request` event will have associated action(s) to trigger from. The supported actions are: .. value:: opened Pull request opened. .. value:: changed Pull request synchronized. .. value:: closed Pull request closed. .. value:: reopened Pull request reopened. .. value:: comment Comment added to pull request. .. value:: labeled Label added to pull request. .. value:: unlabeled Label removed from pull request. .. value:: status Status set on commit. The syntax is ``user:status:value``. This also can be a regular expression. A :value:`pipeline.trigger..event.pull_request_review` event will have associated action(s) to trigger from. The supported actions are: .. value:: submitted Pull request review added. .. value:: dismissed Pull request review removed. .. attr:: branch The branch associated with the event. Example: ``master``. This field is treated as a regular expression, and multiple branches may be listed. Used for ``pull_request`` and ``pull_request_review`` events. .. attr:: comment This is only used for ``pull_request`` ``comment`` actions. It accepts a list of regexes that are searched for in the comment string. If any of these regexes matches a portion of the comment string the trigger is matched. ``comment: retrigger`` will match when comments containing 'retrigger' somewhere in the comment text are added to a pull request. .. attr:: label This is only used for ``labeled`` and ``unlabeled`` ``pull_request`` actions. It accepts a list of strings each of which matches the label name in the event literally. ``label: recheck`` will match a ``labeled`` action when pull request is labeled with a ``recheck`` label. ``label: 'do not test'`` will match a ``unlabeled`` action when a label with name ``do not test`` is removed from the pull request. .. attr:: state This is only used for ``pull_request_review`` events. It accepts a list of strings each of which is matched to the review state, which can be one of ``approved``, ``comment``, or ``request_changes``. .. attr:: status This is used for ``pull-request`` and ``status`` actions. It accepts a list of strings each of which matches the user setting the status, the status context, and the status itself in the format of ``user:context:status``. For example, ``zuul_github_ci_bot:check_pipeline:success``. .. attr:: ref This is only used for ``push`` events. This field is treated as a regular expression and multiple refs may be listed. GitHub always sends full ref name, eg. ``refs/tags/bar`` and this string is matched against the regular expression. Reporter Configuration ---------------------- Zuul reports back to GitHub via GitHub API. Available reports include a PR comment containing the build results, a commit status on start, success and failure, an issue label addition/removal on the PR, and a merge of the PR itself. Status name, description, and context is taken from the pipeline. .. attr:: pipeline.. To report to GitHub, the dictionaries passed to any of the pipeline :ref:`reporter` attributes support the following attributes: .. attr:: status String value (``pending``, ``success``, ``failure``) that the reporter should set as the commit status on github. .. TODO support role markup in :default: so we can xref :attr:`web.status_url` below .. attr:: status-url :default: web.status_url or the empty string String value for a link url to set in the github status. Defaults to the zuul server status_url, or the empty string if that is unset. .. attr:: comment :default: true Boolean value that determines if the reporter should add a comment to the pipeline status to the github pull request. Only used for Pull Request based items. .. attr:: merge :default: false Boolean value that determines if the reporter should merge the pull reqeust. Only used for Pull Request based items. .. attr:: label List of strings each representing an exact label name which should be added to the pull request by reporter. Only used for Pull Request based items. .. attr:: unlabel List of strings each representing an exact label name which should be removed from the pull request by reporter. Only used for Pull Request based items. .. _Github App: https://developer.github.com/apps/ Requirements Configuration -------------------------- As described in :attr:`pipeline.require` and :attr:`pipeline.reject`, pipelines may specify that items meet certain conditions in order to be enqueued into the pipeline. These conditions vary according to the source of the project in question. To supply requirements for changes from a GitHub source named ``my-github``, create a congfiguration such as the following:: pipeline: require: my-github: review: - type: approved This indicates that changes originating from the GitHub connection named ``my-github`` must have an approved code review in order to be enqueued into the pipeline. .. attr:: pipeline.require. The dictionary passed to the GitHub pipeline `require` attribute supports the following attributes: .. attr:: review This requires that a certain kind of code review be present for the pull request (it could be added by the event in question). It takes several sub-parameters, all of which are optional and are combined together so that there must be a code review matching all specified requirements. .. attr:: username If present, a code review from this username is required. It is treated as a regular expression. .. attr:: email If present, a code review with this email address is required. It is treated as a regular expression. .. attr:: older-than If present, the code review must be older than this amount of time to match. Provide a time interval as a number with a suffix of "w" (weeks), "d" (days), "h" (hours), "m" (minutes), "s" (seconds). Example ``48h`` or ``2d``. .. attr:: newer-than If present, the code review must be newer than this amount of time to match. Same format as "older-than". .. attr:: type If present, the code review must match this type (or types). .. TODO: what types are valid? .. attr:: permission If present, the author of the code review must have this permission (or permissions). The available values are ``read``, ``write``, and ``admin``. .. attr:: open A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether the change must be open or closed in order to be enqueued. .. attr:: merged A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether the change must be merged or not in order to be enqueued. .. attr:: current-patchset A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether the item must be associated with the latest commit in the pull request in order to be enqueued. .. TODO: this could probably be expanded upon -- under what circumstances might this happen with github .. attr:: status A string value that corresponds with the status of the pull request. The syntax is ``user:status:value``. This can also be a regular expression. .. attr:: label A string value indicating that the pull request must have the indicated label (or labels). .. attr:: pipeline.reject. The `reject` attribute is the mirror of the `require` attribute. It also accepts a dictionary under the connection name. This dictionary supports the following attributes: .. attr:: review This takes a list of code reviews. If a code review matches the provided criteria the pull request can not be entered into the pipeline. It follows the same syntax as :attr:`pipeline.require..review`